Saturday, May 16, 2020

Cartoons s Influence On Women s Rights Movement

Cartoons have been a prominent and interesting apparatus for politics throughout the ages. Political movements, parties, and groups using propaganda to further their beliefs dates back to the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Though America faces an austere history, lighthearted propaganda colors its decades and gives them life. Political cartoons are so widely used in America that they have become a significant piece of pop culture. Moreover, because of their ability to capture the reader’s attention, propaganda is exploited throughout politics.The cartoons are wonders of the human imagination; illustrators create comical images and intertwine profound political opinions to influence their viewer’s mind. For example, one movement that abundantly grew from propaganda was the women’s rights movement. The artists of the seemingly despised cause drew controversial cartoons that set a fire in the hearts of women all over the world. Consequently, the same cartoons i gnited a passionate war between women who wanted freedom, and those who believed that women could not handle that freedom. Through the use of colorful concepts and daring expressions, political cartoons display the influence of the women’s rights movement throughout history, while the cartoons of Anti-Feminists demonstrates the world’s reaction to the movement. The women’s rights movement utilizes political propaganda to advance its message, as political operations have done for centuries. The message called forShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights And Suffrage Essay1322 Words   |  6 PagesI chose an article relating to the topic of women s rights and suffrage because it was a topic from my chapter in the book. I felt doing more research on the topic could make my presentation more informative and as well as having more sources to choose from. 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